Tarot card readings with Harry Gordichuk

Tarot card readings with Harry Gordichuk

Tarot card readings with Harry Gordichuk

Harry Gordichuk is at Magic Happens Metaphysical Friday May 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th from noon-5pm. The last Friday of the month(May 31st) he stays late (noon-7pm) Harry is also here Saturday May 4th, 18th and 25th 11:30am-4pm by appointment or walk-in! 

He starts with your date of birth and tells you about your birth path number then about the current year cycle you are in.
After that you pick tarot cards and he tells you what comes up. At the end of your reading you can ask questions if you would like. You basically just sit and relax, listen and soak up the Magic!

Prices are:
15 minutes for $30.00
30 minutes for $60.00
60 minutes for $120.00

Book with us now to reserve your spot by calling us at (780) 591-2015!

For other available reading dates outside the shop you can contact Harry at (780) 807-3255 or via e-mail gordichukharry@g

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