Intuitive Soul Clarity or Mediumship Readings with Elaine Jessica

Intuitive Soul Clarity or Mediumship Readings with Elaine Jessica

Intuitive Soul Clarity or Mediumship Readings with Elaine Jessica

Intuitive Soul Clarity or Mediumship Readings with Elaine Jessica at Magic Happens Metaphysical  Saturday  March 1st 2025 from 11:30 am – 4 pm by appointment or walk-in! 

Elaine offers 2 different options – 

30 minute sessions for intuitive soul clarity available for $80.00 or 60-minute sessions for $160.00. Below is what a soul session involves:
It is with intention and passion that Elaine delivers messages, supports and aides those in need of healing and provides clarity for people who bring forward questions regarding their path. Elaine as a ‘receiver’ is able to connect with, understand and identify limiting beliefs that create inertia in moving forward in harmonious heart-centered living. Elaine has studied with numerous metaphysical mentors and has worked with and helped people from all over the nation delivering messages of love, aiding in healing and providing insight. Elaine is passionate about supporting others along their path, guiding them in the discovery of who they really are. Her message of love and connection, and embracing self-empowerment inspires people to act on their desires as they moving forward in their life.

30 minute sessions for mediumship available for $90.00 or 60-minute sessions for $160.00. Below is what a mediumship session involves:
Elaine can facilitate for you, a connection with your loved ones on the other side. Mediumship is a beautiful natural process that validates your connections, and helps heal your heart. Elaine hopes a reading with her leaves you knowing your loved ones really are with you and at peace. With this deep understanding, Elaine lives her life with Love as her guiding force, prayer as her guiding light and Source as her all. Connection brings healing and healing allows love into our lives.

Elaine is a Spiritual Teacher, Master Medium, Chopra Certified Meditation Teacher and Astrologer. Her own life’s experiences paired with ‘always a seeker’ viewpoint brings together compassionate service in working with levels of consciousness. Her mission is to facilitate empowerment, healing and validation. For it is knowing who you truly are in pursuit of knowing the Spirit within that brings one into peace and harmony with the Universe. For more information about Elaine please go to her website –

Call (780) 591-2015 to book your appointment!

Monday March 25th Elaine will be offering a Guided Full Moon Meditation at the store from 6:30-7:30 PM The cost is $25.00 at the door. Each participant will receive a crystal pouch and can enjoy 30 mins of after hours shopping after the meditation  Phone the store to reserve your spot


For other available reading dates outside the shop and other services Elaine offers you can contact Elaine directly via her website or via her Facebook page –

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